
We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome, and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can set you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment. What better way to change the narrative and create economic access for women in the cloud economy?

As a certified coach, I am a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the world’s largest organization of professionally trained coaches that seeks to advance the art, science and practice of coaching. We’re excited to connect with Women in Cloud, a community of powerful technology industry leaders, policy makers, and entrepreneurs who are on a road to ensure gender parity in the tech industry and create $1 billion in economic access for women by 2030. 

I want to help Women in Cloud members to experience the benefits of coaching, which can help unleash your potential, surpass your limits, and change your life. We are bringing local, expert coaches to Women in Cloud Summit 2020 to demonstrate the transformational value of coaching, a process that often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership. WIC is proud to be action-oriented, and coaching is the perfect blend of exploration and action. We look forward to extending the tool of coaching to those who can really benefit from it.

Take the ultimate action step toward your goals and sign up for a 30-minute coaching session on-site while at the Summit. The cost is included with your ticket, although sessions are limited so please sign up in advance through the event application to reserve your spot. If you’d like to find a coach after the event, try theCredentialed Coach Finder, a free searchable directory with listings for thousands of qualified ICF Credentialed Coaches worldwide.

Purchase tickets to attend Women in Cloud Summit and to get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

Technology is a brutal industry and what may be a trend today is no longer essential tomorrow. My experience as a business development coach has made me realize that I have the potential to guide and help women in the technology industry. I want to support women in tech and show them how to prioritize their time and their profit avenues correctly, so they can create the business and life they intend. 

My association with Women in Cloud is to ensure my knowledge and experience in the field help as many women as possible. As a community, Women in Cloud will allow me to teach women in tech to have an action plan created around their wants as well as how to create/communicate boundaries and take charge of their time, energy, and focus.

The Women in Cloud Summit 2020 has given me an opportunity to share my life learning with the entire community. As a speaker, my topic will revolve around how women can identify what they want, where their time is spent, how to claim that time back as well as how to prioritize it, so they are consistently taking steps to build their business.

Finding a community of like-minded, goal-focused women sets a strong standard for business as we each develop and grow. A community like Women in Cloud not only encourages our own expansion, it establishes a strong foundation to build off of while continuously in pursuit of our own greatness. 

Based on statistics gathered by Maddie Shepherd through Fundera, there are “12.3 million female owned businesses in the U.S,” making over 40% of businesses woman-owned. This statistic goes deeper than the numbers. It intrinsically shows how important it is for women to have equal opportunities within business, and by extension know how to properly prioritize their profits and time to create the lifestyles we as women deserve. 

Diving into prioritizing our time effectively comes down to 5 main parts:

  • Getting crystal clear on what you want
  • Taming the time that you have
  • Prioritizing your tasks
  • Customizing to your calendar

Each of these parts has its own place within business, and when you understand how to master each one – hitting your next goal or taking the next step comes easily. 

Broken down, the steps look like this: 

  1. Write down, and put it somewhere visible, what you want to accomplish in the next 6 months.
  2. Create boundaries that solidify the time that you have: ex. Create office hours, turn off notifications, etc.
  3. Look at all the tasks on your to do list: take off ALL PERSONAL TASKS and prioritize the business ones to that will help you get to those 6 month goals step by step.
  4. Every day, look at the time you have and ask yourself: “How would I like to fill this time?” and assign the tasks that fit in the time you have that are aligned with what YOU want.
  5. Put this routine into action every single day and you will always be profitable in your business: mentally, emotionally as well as financially. 

There’s nothing more valuable than having a strong, supportive group of women, who are all aiming for their own vision of greatness – especially when you can find them all in an incredible group like Women in Cloud. 

If you’d like to learn more about prioritizing your profits in a way to create the money and the life you desire in your own unique way, feel free to reach out through purchase tickets today and come join us in our mission. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram @mel_mcsherry.

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! 

Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

One of our company’s core values is ‘belonging’, because it fosters exceptional organizations and individuals. Our collective purpose is to help every tribe know their battle cry. This means knowing what makes your organization unique, how you’re making the world a better place, where you’re going, and what your strategy will be to effectively get you there. Women in Cloud has created a fabulous opportunity to express both. It is a natural fit for us.

Statistics show that women-led companies tend to outperform male-dominated ones, promoting women as a rational choice for a stronger economy. I’m passionate about creating a stronger economy, which is why I’m partnering with more women in technology and the men who support them through Women in Cloud.

This January, at the Women in Cloud Summit 2020, I have been invited as a speaker to talk about ‘How to Support Female Founders.’ I am excited and thrilled to make this presentation. I wanted to share some of the key takeaways the audience can expect from my talk, which are:

  • We must master your own biases.
  • The lack of inclusive diversity has been a strong undercurrent for many centuries, rooting it out is not for the faint of heart.
  • We must be courageous and honest with ourselves about our own shortcomings. If we pretend they’re not there — if we hide our biases from ourselves — if they go unexposed and are simply covered over, those shortcomings will continue to cloud our judgment and accidentally spill into behavior. We will unknowingly deny someone access or underestimate them.

I believe women are one of the crucial elements that will ensure a functional and sustainable economy in the future. Economic inclusion means that anyone who’s willing to work hard enough can better their lives and the lives of others. Ideally, no one will be held back by the spoken or unspoken biases of those who control access and opportunity. Collective action can be powerful. I challenge the courageous to master personal bias first, which will continue to evolve the culture in significant ways.

All this means my organization has a shot at making the world a better place even though it was founded by a woman, which traditionally would mean lack of access to male-dominated decision-makers. Our breakthrough software makes strategic planning and execution simple, rapid, and without ambiguity that cause frustration and waste. Imagine if the world lost this solution. It would mean we would all continue to lose billions of dollars and hours to traditional strategic planning methods.

The opportunity given to me by WIC is what I intend to help other women achieve. Purchase tickets today, come join me and the Women in Cloud in this journey and unlock your chance to make the best out of an opportunity of a lifetime. 

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! 

Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

If there are women who feel left behind in their careers, women who cannot see a future that includes them, women who want more and want to work for managers and companies that value them and invest in them – those are the women I want to talk with while at Women in Cloud Summit 2020. We are truly stronger when we all take responsibility for ensuring the success of everyone around us. This applies to workplaces and the greater world in which we all want to co-exist. No one is going to create that for you – we need everyone to participate and move forward together. Women in Cloud as a community ensures this and helps everybody involved reach their success.

Having spent the first 20+ years of my career in technology, I know all too well the challenges women face in that space, and I want to use my current position and platform to accelerate their success. It’s simple. By working together to amplify the work of the women around us, by sharing our power with each other and lifting each other along the way, we will all benefit. So often, we leave it to someone else to move us forward. I believe Women in Cloud is a community designed to do exactly that. I want to challenge all women to take that upon ourselves and contribute in whatever way we can to helping every other woman around us succeed. And it’s very possible!

My consulting work and my book are wholly focused on the ways women can work within their organizations and industries to clear a path for others to more easily achieve success. This summit, I will focus on exactly that as a speaker. I want every woman who hears my talk or meet me at the summit to leave with new perspectives and tactical ideas on how they can start to create a workplace that works for everyone.

I am extremely thrilled to witness the coming together of professionals from all over the world for the Women in Cloud Summit 2020. Events like this, which bring together different people and help create access and connect is the key to new age learning and business. Come meet me at the summit. Purchase ticketstoday!

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! 

Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

I am excited to announce that I will be facilitating an executive roundtable at this year’s Women in Cloud Summit 2020, the third annual summit hosted by the Women in Cloud community. 

In my session, we’ll delve into how to forge successful partner relationships, and how individuals can use their leadership and networking chops to build a successful cloud business. 

In today’s business ecosystem, market-leading cloud solutions are most often the result of two, three, four, or even more partners coming together to fill a customer need that any single organization would find difficult to fulfill on their own. 

I’ve had the opportunity to help organizations of many sizes define their joint solutions, land their message and value prop, and develop and execute a joint plan that drives market traction and growth. My goal is for participants to take away practical strategies and gain a better understanding of what to look for in a right-fit GTM partner so their cloud partnerships—and in turn, their organizations—can thrive and grow.

Women in Cloud is dedicated to creating more opportunities for women in the tech space, which aligns with my support for greater diversity in our industry overall. Throughout the course of my career, I have learned that the art of possibility is well within reach. It’s a perspective that I carry more deeply today than ever before. I’m passionate about using my experience to support women in leadership and women entrepreneurs at whatever stage they are at in their journey.

At this year’s summit, I look forward to talking with other entrepreneurs and business leaders who are using the cloud to bring their visions to life. Growth in the tech industry is a collective effort, and Women in Cloud focuses on ensuring equal opportunities to everybody who is a part of this effort. Together we can build partnerships that ensure more women are given an opportunity to ideate, experiment, and excel. 

Purchase tickets and join me this January in Redmond. To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!