Technology is a male-dominated industry. Even with avenues opening up, inclusion efforts increasing, and with more women coming into technology than ever before, men outnumber women in the tech industry. A genuine consequence of the unfortunate gender divide due to the systematic barrier is how women see themselves as leaders in the technology industry. 

This January, at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021, I will be hosting a presentation on ‘The Power of Presence for Women Who Lead.’ Leadership presence is different for women. As a leader, it takes time to find your groove and understand what works, especially in a male-dominated industry like technology. 

If you are struggling to exercise your power, find out how to develop the attitudes, behaviors, and strategies that most powerfully influence others to see you as the leader you truly are. The key takeaways of the session will be; 

  • The biggest challenges women face in being seen as leaders: What you can and cannot control.
  • How to project the five “Cs” of leadership presence: Credibility, Confidence, Coping, Connection, and Charisma.
  • Body language traps and tips for women who lead.

As a consultant, I am passionate about addressing audiences of women to help them stand out as the remarkable leaders they truly are! My goal is to encourage women to achieve higher positions and to encourage the next generation to do the same.

As the change-makers of the world, we are stronger when we pool our resources. Collective Power simply means that – None of us is as powerful as all of us; so I urge you to join forces to create a thriving ecosystem for women in technology. 

Join me at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021, this January and let us collectively take action to combine storytelling and technology to create an empathetic world. 

Book Your Spot today with a 15% discount, and get on board to witness the Collective Power of Women in the technology industry from around the world! 

I also highly recommend the following Interactive Experiences for you to participate and expand your network: 

  1. 28 January: Learn about Tech Industry at their opening plenary with Former Prime Minister of Canada, Rt Honorable Kim Campbell, and Corporate Vice President Gavriella Schuster 
  2. 28 January: Explore Cloud Jobs at #CloudJobs Fair & Recruitment Lounge
  3. 28 January: Meet Black Founders
  4. 29 January: Master your pitch at #RockYourPitch Experience
  5. 29 January: Get access to mentorship from Cloud Industry leaders
  6. 30 January: Get your kids to participate in Youth Mentorship Circle
  7. 30 January: Make New Friends at Scavenger Hunt 

Also, join WIC Digital Network to be part of the global economic access movement.

Economic access to women in STEM is something that both Women in Cloud and I value greatly. I was drawn to the Women in Cloud community because of its mission to empower women in STEM roles by harnessing the collective power of the tech community to identify gaps for women within this industry. As someone who’s vocation is creating inclusive and community-like company cultures, I resonated heavily with how Women in Cloud provides a platform for female voices to be heard, valued, and welcomed at all levels of the tech industry to create an extremely inclusive culture.

I pursued engineering within my education, I want to give back to the community by providing mentorship to STEM students who are currently in the exploration phase of their careers. I firmly believe that there should be more opportunities for funding for women in STEM and even a national women’s tech month that highlights the accomplishments of women in STEM. We need to provide role models and examples to young girls to motivate them to pursue careers in STEM. 

I am honoured to be presenting at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 on the topic ‘5 Keys to a High Performing Remote Team.’ Through this presentation, I want attendees to learn to be inclusive and intentional with their team communication, enhance team relationships, and align everyone around them to focus on the highest business priorities. Virtual workspaces, events and networking have suddenly become our new reality. Strategic, effective communication within any virtual environment is critical, and if a team embodies these elements, it will set them for success within their endeavors.

In my opinion, just as teams must dismantle patterns of communication that are harmful, similarly, the STEM community needs to break down the social barriers against women pursuing leadership roles in these fields. The future of the technology industry is depending on us to harness the collective power of communities like Women in Cloud to elevate the voices of the underrepresented and unheard. 

“Break patterns by taking action to improve reality for yourself and others.”  – Brenda Batista

Come join me at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 to learn more about breaking down destructive patterns and elevating yourself and your team with inclusive, empowering communication. 

Book Your Spot today with a 15% discount, and get on board to witness the Collective Power of Women in the technology industry from around the world! 

I highly recommend the following Interactive Experiences for you to participate and expand your network: 

  1. 28 January: Learn about Tech Industry at their opening plenary with Former Prime Minister of Canada, Rt Honorable Kim Campbell and Corporate Vice President Gavriella Schuster 
  2. 28 January: Explore Cloud Jobs at #CloudJobs Fair & Recruitment Lounge
  3. 28 January: Meet Black Founders
  4. 29 January: Master your pitch at #RockYourPitch Experience
  5. 29 January: Get access to mentorship from Cloud Industry leaders
  6. 30 January: Get your kids to participate in Youth Mentorship Circle
  7. 30 January: Make New Friends at Scavenger Hunt 

Also, join WIC Digital Network to be part of the global economic access movement.

The promise of demystifying the cloud, how to approach, package, and co-sell with large enterprises promoted me to join the Women in Cloud. As a proud community member, I wish to be an example for young women entrepreneurs globally – to show them what a seat at the table looks like, to show all people what a female tech leader looks like – so young women and girls can see themselves, picture themselves, imagine their future. The personalized and warm access to the high-powered Women in Cloud ecosystem of mentors, advisors, and cheerleaders provides an environment for all women to explore their strengths while ensuring stakeholders and investors view women in high-tech roles with confidence to invest in them. 

At this year’s Woman in Cloud Digital Summit, I will be presenting a session on the topic, ‘Choosing the Right Partner to Build Your Product and Digital Strategy.’ With this talk, I would like to focus on what considerations companies need to take when selecting a partner to walk with them on their digital transformation. The key takeaway from this talk would be how to spot/validate a partner as a true digital strategist.

“I believe that when we admit to our explicit and implicit biases and put those in check, we will be able to break the glass ceiling for under-represented entrepreneurs to have the human, social and financial capital to build companies that will make our world a better place to live.” 

In my opinion, that is true “Collective Power”; which is also the theme for the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021.

To further the collective efforts, I want to work with Women in Cloud to build policies that tackle the hard truths of today; Policies with goals that start with just getting women in the game but aspire to bring women to a level playing field with regards to the human and social inputs necessary for any entrepreneur to be successful. I would primarily focus on two policies;

  1. Getting women early education opportunities in STEM and other disciplines that foster their ingenuity and opening up career experiences that inform their worldview with strong advocacy and backing. 
  2. Fostering networks of high powered profiles, highly engaged allies, and influential investors.

Both these policies are what any entrepreneur needs to be successful with a startup for early growth, and scaling.

You have the opportunity to join me at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 in January to find your partner-in-growth, and take collective action to build the future of women in technology and otherwise. 

Book Your Spot today with a 15% discount, and get on board to witness the Collective Power of Women in the technology industry from around the world! 

I  highly recommend the following Interactive Experiences for you to participate and expand your network: 

  1. 28 January: Learn about Tech Industry at their opening plenary with Former Prime Minister of Canada, Rt Honorable Kim Campbell, and Corporate Vice President Gavriella Schuster 
  2. 28 January: Explore Cloud Jobs at #CloudJobs Fair & Recruitment Lounge
  3. 28 January: Meet Black Founders
  4. 29 January: Master your pitch at #RockYourPitch Experience
  5. 29 January: Get access to mentorship from Cloud Industry leaders
  6. 30 January: Get your kids to participate in Youth Mentorship Circle
  7. 30 January: Make New Friends at Scavenger Hunt 

Also, join WIC Digital Network to be part of the global economic access movement.

I have long been fascinated – and intimidated by – technology, AI, and the cloud environment. As a mindful multipreneur, the CEO and founder of a health insurance brokerage, and a meditation coach, my realm has always been in health, wellness, and people; I’ve always thought that technology was not for me.

But, as I’ve integrated technological concepts into my work, I’ve realized that true collaboration between our industries is necessary for the future of the world and especially the healthcare industry.  Within the technology field, I believe female empowerment will enhance the spirit and successes of this industry while achieving the goal of economic inclusion to all. Personally, my experience wouldn’t be the same without the support of the women around me. I understand the vulnerability, persistence and passion that is needed to make an impact in this industry. You know the saying, ‘a rising tide lifts all boats?’ When more opportunities arise for women to collaborate, learn, and evolve, innovation within this industry will reach a new level. We must support each other and advocate for the next generation as we build this inclusive community. 

“If we, as women, operate from a place of support, consciousness, and wellness, we will be able to shift ourselves, our families, and our communities, resulting in perfect health, reduced stress, anxiety, and reduction of our healthcare costs.” – Naama O. Pozniak

I am honored to be speaking at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 on the topic of being efficient in our ‘New Reality;’ “Sharing Techniques to Upgrade Each of our Personal ‘Software’: Our Soul and How to Guide our Lives to Achieve Better Outcomes.” My goal is to inspire people to design ways to change their patterns, lower their stress, and increase their productivity and focus. When we reset our mental and emotional programs, we create a path towards our goals, leading to improved relationships as well as safety, security, and happiness within ourselves.

Attendees will experience a simple yet effective meditation practice while learning how to develop and implement a new program for the ‘software of the soul’ that incorporates mindful self-care while organizing a holistic approach for a future filled with health and love. 

In the current state of our world, there is an urgent need for diverse perspectives to collaborate towards achieving inclusive economic recovery and growth. The technology industry will play a major role, and the first step is to regain the trust of the underrepresented communities that have been sidelined in this quest for innovation. 

Join me at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 to find the innovative power within yourself, and take control of your health, wellbeing, and professional life. 

Book Your Spot today with a 15% discount, and get on board to witness the Collective Power of Women in the technology industry from around the world! 

I highly recommend the following Interactive Experiences for you to participate and expand your network: 

  1. 28 January: Learn about Tech Industry at their opening plenary with Former Prime Minister of Canada, Rt Honorable Kim Campbell and Corporate Vice President Gavriella Schuster 
  2. 28 January: Explore Cloud Jobs at #CloudJobs Fair & Recruitment Lounge
  3. 28 January: Meet Black Founders
  4. 29 January: Master your pitch at #RockYourPitch Experience
  5. 29 January: Get access to mentorship from Cloud Industry leaders
  6. 30 January: Get your kids to participate in Youth Mentorship Circle
  7. 30 January: Make New Friends at Scavenger Hunt 

Also, join WIC Digital Network to be part of the global economic access movement.

Current Openings: 24