Simplicity participated in the Women in Cloud Summit last year, and our team left feeling inspired by the energy in the room and the collective drive to support women in the industry. I’m thrilled to see how the community has grown since then. I was incredibly moved by the women and allies on the stage last year, including Gavriella Schuster, Thai Lee, Chaitra Vedullapalli, and Gretchen O’Hara, and I’m so honored to be joining them as a speaker at this year’s event.

I’m passionate about supporting women in business and technology, at all stages of their careers. I’ve had many sponsors throughout my career—women and men alike—and I want to do my part to pay it forward however I can. I love the quote, “You can’t be what you can’t see.” If nothing else, I hope to show attendees that women-owned businesses can and will be successful.

At Simplicity, our business is all about connecting people and building community. I’m passionate about helping people find meaningful work that aligns with their personal brand and values, while helping clients successfully reach their goals. Events like these enable us to expand our community and extend the reach of our impact, which supports the event’s theme of action and Women in Cloud’s goal of creating economic opportunity.

This year at the summit, I’m joining Gillian Muessig of Outline Ventures, Margaret Dawson of Red Hat, and Dina Grimstead from Microsoft on a power panel aimed at sharing best practices on access to investments, customers, and talent. Attendees can expect actionable, relevant lessons learned from a range of leaders from a range of industries and backgrounds.

Women in Cloud’s ambitious mission of helping women entrepreneurs create $1 billion in economic opportunity by 2030 inspires me. Reaching this goal will require collective action from businesses, allies, and the broader community. Yes, supporting and empowering women is important, but those actions are meaningless without actually focusing on women’s access to economic opportunity. 

Women are the lifeblood of our economy—and often the primary breadwinners of their households—and if they succeed economically, we all do. Working toward economic inclusion will require a meaningful reduction in the gender wage gap, especially for women of color; increased access to leadership positions; widespread paid parental leave; and increased funding and access to capital; to name a few.

Purchase your tickets today, and be a part of the change we deserve in our society. To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

Collective action towards economic inclusion is about leveraging collective intelligence through open and transparent collaboration. I believe in an ecosystem in which aligned intentions are commonplace, and all thrive on the diversity of different perspectives and the highest good for all involved.

I hail from the tech background as a former Technology Development Executive with a large Aerospace company. I am and have always been passionate about creating the future by transforming imagination into reality, and as a new entrepreneur, I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded women to create the future we deserve. Women in Cloud is, hence, the place to be.

The Women in Cloud Summit 2020 is about taking ACTION and I am looking forward to connecting with other female entrepreneurs and opening doors for many more women-tech entrepreneurs. Intuition has served me well. My intention is to help other women ignite their intuition as a speaker at the event. 

I will share how intuition can be used to inform decision making and explore how you may already be using it without even knowing. The mystery behind intuition is becoming more explainable and understood, making it more accessible.

You will learn about intuition’s role in a tech leaders’ life and how to use intuition to exponentially improve your business decision making by learning:

  1. How to listen to and understand your intuition.
  2. How to trust the intelligence of your intuition.
  3. How to translate your intuitive insights into actions and positive impact on your business.

Women in Cloud as a community focuses on collaboration. As a person, I am passionate about igniting intuition as a competitive differentiator and identifying collaboration opportunities. Hence,  increasing awareness about the power of using our innate intuitive abilities to achieve business success is the outcome I wish to achieve with Women in Cloud.

Purchase tickets for the summit and let us join forces to collaborate and succeed. 

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

Women. I believe women are the key element to solving several problems we are facing today in the society. I have always been passionate about helping women propel not only in business but also in society. I want to help change the future for women and our society for a sustainable and inclusive future. Women in Cloud is a community that shares these ideas with me, and I look forward to participating and being a part of a change that will make a difference for women in our industry. 

As a student at the University of Washington, I am passionate about changing the way women in college perceive the business world and want to create resources that young women can use to advance themselves in their professional lives. I am aware and have witnessed how women have struggled to get jobs and internships because they did not have the resources, or simply because they are ‘women’. This is the time for all of  us, as a society, to get together and help the new generation understand and implement the change that Women in Cloud is striving for.

Due to my interests in the said topic, I have been invited as a speaker at the third annual Women in Cloud Summit 2020. I am taking this opportunity to educate the audience about how we can help the younger generation of women by creating resources, and more importantly, opportunities for them. I will also speak about the importance of giving young women a leg up in the competition while they are in college, so that they can have a head start when they graduate. Attendees should expect to learn about what actions need to be taken to achieve change.

The summit brings together some of the most influential leaders in the industry, and I’m excited to network with other women in entrepreneurial roles in the tech industry. I want to understand their daily struggles and learnings, and take this information to my peers and other women who want to walk this path. Purchase tickets for the summit today and join us to celebrate and support women. 

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

The transformative power of cloud can only be fully realized by the big idea solutions built upon it. We would be doing the world – organizations and individuals – a massive disservice if we failed in our collective duty to make certain that women have equal opportunity to bring their disruptive and innovative ideas to market. 

I initially joined the Women in Cloud community out of admiration and respect for its co-founders Chaitra Vedullapalli and Karen Fassio. I am immensely grateful to them for sparking my awareness of the desperate need for solutions and companies to be evaluated solely on their merits without regard to the gender of their creators.

The thought that my own daughter, herself an aspiring tech entrepreneur, could be denied the chance to succeed solely because of her gender is both unfair and infuriating. Women in Cloud is changing that for hundreds of women around the world, and I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to lend my voice to the ever-growing chorus for economic inclusion.

As a panel member on the topic of Male Allyship for the third annual Women in Cloud Summit 2020, I am looking forward to witnessing and discussing the growth of our mission as a community.  We will be close to achieving fair and equal economic access when we have progressed along the spectrum from conscious bias to unconscious inclusion.  

Women in Cloud is about to host entrepreneurs with excellent solutions from our industry. Purchase tickets today, to join us in Seattle on January 25 to learn, understand, contribute, and grow with everybody during and after the summit. 

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!

Chaitra Vedullapalli, Founder and President Women in Cloud, is my Linkedin Connection. I vaguely remember crossing paths with her at a summit similar to Women in Cloud back in 2015. Since then, I have been sincerely following her through the journey she has been and taken Women in Cloud on. I am part of WomenWhoCode, WomenWhoBuild, GirlsWhoCode and ChickTech communities and have had the opportunity to talk at a couple of conferences and meet many of them. I jumped on the opportunity with Women in Cloud. I knew I had to be a part of this community which is on a journey to make our industry inclusive. 

All throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to wear different hats. I have worked as a business analyst, project manager, a coach, a mentor, a performance tester, an automation tester and a solution architect and strived for automation at every level. I have built teams with quality engineers and worked on various kinds of projects. With the vast experience I have gathered over the years, this Women in Cloud Summit 2020 I will be speaking about DevOpsQA, Cloud Testing and how the world of testing has changed in Agile teams.

In the session I plan to talk about what is DevOpsQA and the prime definition of this term. A decade ago, QAs primary responsibility was finding bugs, write test cases and make sure there are no bugs in production. Today, testers are the quality advocates, influencing both development and operational processes. They don’t just find bugs, they look for any opportunity to improve repeatability and predictability. CloudDevOps has enabled QA to do this with Faster time to market, Higher quality and Increased organizational effectiveness. QA is achieving this is by Continuous testing via automation. Attendees will walk out with an understanding of Quality Testing and how automation plays an important role early in the cycle and how to define a proper test strategy that defines a single path to production.

I have had the opportunity to attend several summits offered by WomenWhoCode, ChickTech, Google Summit, AWS Re-invent Summit. Every time I attend these conferences I am surprised to see the ideas and opportunities out there in the world. I have come across hundreds of people and we connect, we exchange and we enrich each other with the knowledge we possess. It is an exciting experience every time.It is no different with Women in Cloud. I am excited to run into everybody with an idea, good or bad, learn from them and excited for the energy, passion and fun instore for us. 

I hail from the IT background and communities like Women in Cloud gives me hope for our industry and our future. As a lifelong student, I am thankful to have found this community and cannot wait to explore the immense knowledge people from Women in Cloud are waiting to share during the Summit. I urge to purchase tickets tickets for the summit and experience the best the community and the industry has to offer this January. 

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!