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As of 2020, only 14.2 percent of cloud computing jobs were held by women, and projections suggest that this figure is not improving. At Women In Cloud, we firmly believe that economic growth should be inclusive, and this begins with providing equal opportunities for all to access digital skills.

When Microsoft launched Azure training with Coursera, they recognized the importance of including scholarships for women. They approached Women In Cloud to partner with us because we share their commitment to Inclusive Workforce Goals and we have the infrastructure and audience to reach those who need it most. Their goal was to test three hypotheses:

  1. What does it take for women to be job-ready in cloud technologies?
  2. What partnerships are needed to deliver credentialing and hands-on learning?
  3. What wrap-around services do women require to secure jobs in the tech industry?

Our collaboration with Microsoft leaders and experts led to an analysis of the path to $100K cloud tech jobs. Technical certification, career development skills, and hands-on work experience emerged as crucial factors for employment success. Our first step was to provide access to Coursera Training and Microsoft Certification scholarships. Over the past 15 months, we have distributed over 3,000 scholarships to individuals across 65 countries. Furthermore, we launched a monthly career development series that focuses on imparting critical essential skills. In just six months, over 2,500 individuals have benefited from this program.

But one of the biggest challenges that women face in achieving true job readiness is a lack of access to hands-on experience, which is why we are asking Microsoft partners to pledge and contribute.

Watch our coverage at Microsoft Inspire 2023 with Debbie Uttecht.

We are thrilled to introduce our newest initiative—the Collective Cloud Apprentice Program. It is our latest effort to foster gender diversity in cloud computing roles, ensuring a brighter, more equitable future in talent acquisition for the tech industry.

Our program aims to equip women with the vital skills and firsthand experience required to thrive in the cloud computing arena. We offer apprenticeships in design, operations, sales, marketing, and technical roles, empowering women with the practical knowledge that they need to excel.

By participating in the Cloud Apprentice Program, companies will not only be investing in talent, but they will also be contributing to a more innovative and productive tech industry as a whole. Studies have shown that diversity in the workplace leads to more innovation and creativity.

By partnering with Women In Cloud through the Collective Cloud Apprentice Program, you’ll be an active participant in creating a tech industry that prioritizes equality with actions and not just words. By expanding your talent pool with skilled, ambitious women who are ready to make their mark, you will be taking one of the most important initiatives the tech industry can focus on today to create a more equitable, thriving future for us all.

The key benefits of partnering with us include:

  • Access to a ready-made program with more than 100,000 members across 26 countries, 2000+ certified cloud professionals
  • Sponsored by Microsoft
  • Flexible hiring options
  • Discovery of candidate potential and cultivation of their expertise
  • A more affordable investment towards building a brighter future

Women in Cloud aims to partner with 100 companies to create three new jobs per partner, resulting in 300 net new jobs for women in the tech industry.

Projected Launch Date: October 30th, 2023.

If you are ready to partner with us, then you’re actively paving the way for a tech industry that values equality with their actions, not just their words.

Don’t miss the chance to expand your talent pool with skilled, ambitious women ready to make their mark and creating a more equitable future wherever everyone can thrive.

Join us in our mission to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry by becoming a partner today, transforming your workforce, organization, and the tech ecosystem as a whole.

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