The Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 will host the #CloudJobs Recruitment Lounge on 28 January 2021 from 1.00 PM – 3.00 PM (PST)

The #CloudJobs Recruitment Lounge at Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 is a two-hour digital job fair offering a meet and greet experience, where women in technology can meet with companies actively seeking and recruiting talent, benefitting both the company and the job seeker by aligning talent with opportunities to put more women into tech leadership roles. Connecting corporate companies to potential women technologists for all leadership, business, and tech-focused opportunities is the main goal of establishing #CloudJobs Recruitment Lounge.

As a job seeker, the #CloudJobs Recruitment Lounge offers a place where you can go and talk to recruiters from some of the top companies in the world, get advice from career coaches on what’s next for your career, or talk to a resume expert and fine-tune your resume for your next job. Each of these opportunities is geared towards helping you upskill for your next job, improving your competencies when it comes to the job search process as well as getting you in front of recruiters who are looking to hire women in technology/cloud roles. Whether you’re looking for that next career move or need help finding a job–the #CloudJobs Recruitment Lounge is the place to be during the 2021 Women in Cloud Summit.  Checkout Opportunities

As a recruiter, the #CloudJobs Recruitment Lounge offers a place unlike no other. With COVID-19 shifting everything from in-person to online this event is a great chance for you to promote open opportunities, chat with job seekers, and increase your pipe of job seekers who are looking for an exciting new career. Listing your open jobs is free to everyone and you can submit up to three jobs, but in order to partake in the 1:1 conversations with job seekers, we’re asking that you purchase a single ticket (cost $149) here. We expect over 2000 attendees at the Women in Cloud Summit. If you would like to have a bigger presence at the event please email us at

You have the opportunity to join me at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 in January to find your partner-in-growth, and take collective action to build the future of women in technology and otherwise. 

Get on board to witness the Collective Power of Women in the technology industry from around the world! We recommend highly recommend the following Interactive Experiences for you to participate and expand your network: 

  1. 28 January: Learn about Tech Industry at their opening plenary with Former Prime Minister of Canada, Rt Honorable Kim Campbell and Corporate Vice President Gavriella Schuster 
  2. 28 January: Explore Cloud Jobs at #CloudJobs Fair & Recruitment Lounge
  3. 28 January: Meet Black Founders
  4. 29 January: Master your pitch at #RockYourPitch Experience
  5. 29 January: Get access to mentorship from Cloud Industry leaders
  6. 30 January: Get your kids to participate in Youth Mentorship Circle
  7. 30 January: Make New Friends at Scavenger Hunt 

Also, join WIC Digital Network to be part of the global economic access movement.