Our Commitment: To Accelerate Building a DevSecOps-Ready Workforce In The AI Powered Economy
At Women in Cloud, we empower women and allies with the skills, credentials, and career opportunities needed to thrive in AI & cybersecurity roles. Our Workforce Development Initiative provides certifications, credentials, DevSecOps toolkits, innovation challenges, job access, and preparedness workshops to build a DevSecOps-ready talent pipeline. We offer Microsoft AI, Cloud & cybersecurity certifications, hands-on training, and direct connections to recruiters and industry experts. Through scholarships, certification vouchers, community, job opportunities, internships and peer to peer mentorship, we help women and allies accelerate their careers and gain leadership in cloud technology. In last three year, we have empowered 5,000+ women and allies in 80+ countries empowered with Microsoft AI and cybersecurity certifications, accelerating their DevSecOps careers.