
Women in Cloud has opened my eyes to a whole new world – the Cloud World. The support and education from Women in Cloud, Microsoft, and Channel Partners about what it takes to be a successful software company has been the greatest gift to me and my team. 

While overwhelming at times, guiding us through this process to achieve a successful GTM launch will jump start our success to get our much-needed DEInamics™ tool into the marketplace. Microsoft’s diversity initiative to help women evolve their software companies through the Women in the Cloud program is truly a game changer to create more equity in the global marketplace.

It was recommended by a colleague we should apply for the Women in Cloud 2019 Accelerator Program. We were one of just a handful of companies selected for this prestigious recognition for our new software product, DEInamics™. This has been one of the highlights of my entrepreneurial career. 

The Women in Cloud network has been key to guiding us through the requirements for a successful SaaS go-to-market launch. The collective insights, sharing lessons learned, resources, and the tremendous support has been overwhelming. There is no doubt the amazing Microsoft Community and Women In Cloud Network will make all the difference to our early-stage success.

This year as a graduating member, I am also a proud speaker at the Women in Cloud Summit 2020. I will focus on one of the hottest topics in corporate America today: Measuring What Matters – True Business Impact and ROI for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Most people are unaware there is a business case for diversity and that it should be measured. The fact that every CEO wants financial numbers proving diversity initiatives are improving business results is often unknown. But, ‘Are leaders being held accountable?’ is the question I will answer at the summit. Some of the key takeaways from the talk are,

  •   How do we begin to change without a data point?
  •   Learn how to integrate measurement into our initiatives for success
  •   Our 5-Step Process to Meaningful DEI Growth

Since there is so much to learn and conquer, I hope to share my best resources and take away every piece of information possible to utilize it for our growth as a company and community. I believe at heart, Women in Cloud is a solution to several problems of our generation. If leaders go beyond talk to real alignment with positive behavior changes that drive cultural shifts, through mindful, selfless and compassionate actions, companies can set a strong foundation for diversity, equity and inclusion where business + workplace acceleration can grow and thrive.

“Better Companies for a Brighter World”, is something I thrive on and is our company’s endearment. It comes from unleashing the talents of people and creating equitable opportunities – for everyone! Purchase ticketstoday, and join us this January to ensure collective action for a brighter world. 

To get more information visit the summit website, and don’t forget to apply the 20% discount code: JOINME@WIC

See you there! Take action by joining our online network to get engaged today!