We are delighted to announce the call for nominations for the Inaugural #WICxALLIES Awards.
As part of the #WICxALLIES campaign, Women in Cloud partners with tech-industry leader Gavriella Schuster to bring you WICxALLIES Inaugural Awards.
As part of the campaign, WIC is pleased to announce the first ever WICxALLIES Awards, recognizing the individuals who demonstrate allyship by empowering women by Advocacy, Listening, Lifting, Including, Elevating and Sponsoring.
Allies are the men and women building for inclusion through their everyday actions to bring more women into their network, organization and leadership roles.
The #WICxALLIES Awards are a unique opportunity to acknowledge those who have supported your entrepreneurial and professional journey through their Advocacy, Listening, Lifting, Including, Elevating and Sponsoring.
We would like to hear from you! Nominate the allies in your community and network for the Overall Allyship Award, Advocate Award or Sponsor Award by December 30, 2021.
Allies are the men and women building for inclusion through their everyday actions to bring more women into their network, organization and leadership roles.
The #WICxALLIES Awards are a unique opportunity to acknowledge those who have supported your entrepreneurial journey. The awards will recognize three allies in the following categories:
- Overall Allyship Award – recognizing an ally who clearly demonstrates their work who act to Advocate, Listen, Lift, Include, Elevate and Sponsor women in their network with examples of outcomes. Nominate an Ally here >>
- Sponsor Award – recognizing a leader and ally who clearly demonstrates their work to sponsor women in tech through financial empowerment and mentorship. Nominate a Sponsor here >>
- Advocate Award – recognizing a leader and ally who clearly demonstrates their work to advocate for women in tech through their supplier and organizational ecosystems. Nominate an Advocate here >>
As a community, we count on your support to spread the word about the call for nominations so that we reach all the noteworthy individuals and organizations around the world.
1. Organizations and initiatives can nominate themselves!
2. Nominations are open until December 30, 2021.
3. This year’s award ceremony will be on January 26, 2022 during the #WICxANNUALSUMMIT event.
We can’t wait to see the nominations start to roll in!
Please contact Sammy at wicmarketing@womenincloud.com with any questions or suggestions you might have.