This year, Women in Cloud is achieving yet another milestone.

As we go through our second year of the global pandemic, everything is set for the upcoming edition of the #WICxAnnualSummit—and we couldn’t be happier!

The 2021 edition paved the road with collective power. Now, we’re heading towards a new chapter for #WomenInCloud by honoring the fantastic milestones and achievements of women tech founders, entrepreneurs, and purpose-driven leaders of the tech industry—and celebrating the tremendous impact of their collective influence. And that’s precisely the theme for 2022’s Annual Summit.

From January 26th – 28th, it will be the time to celebrate as a collective. For three days, we will count on the participation of powerful voices from our community. We will be discussing how we address current and relevant topics such as AI, gender inclusivity, job creation, workforce development, and the acceleration of the entrepreneur spirit in each of us.

Hear and Learn From Our Speakers and Top Leaders of the Industry

Just as in past editions, we will count on the participation of the top leaders of the tech industry, such as Joyce Mullen (CEO, Insight), Vinita Gupta (Ex-CEO, Digital Link Corporation), Gillian Muessig (CEO, MastersFund), Sonya Shorey (VP, Invest Ottawa), and more. Discover how they impact leadership and advancements in the industry and entrepreneurship globally, achieve new milestones for a more inclusive workspace, and address economic access and gender parity experience.

Together, We Can Create a Positive Impact

We are a collective of women worldwide who are determined to achieve great things through the power of collective influence—but, more importantly, we want to empower every one of you to get involved, transform finite access to growth and influence into infinite access, and generate $1B in net new global economic access for women entrepreneurs by 2030.

Grow Personally and Professionally

Build up your skills with our bootcamps and hands-on labs. Participate in the immersive experiences and get access to downloadable resources, lives exercises, and hands-on training by industry experts.

Join this year’s bootcamp: #TechProfessional, #FindYourFit, #ThoughtLeadership, and #CloudFounders.

Unlock new results and make a difference!

It’s an Excellent Opportunity to Meet Industry Leaders

Connect and learn from industry leaders, sponsors, and speakers at the roundtable sessions. Receive advice and mentorship that will accelerate your vision towards leadership training, skill-building, internship readiness, networking, and more!

Explore New Job Opportunities

Networking is one of the best ways to achieve your career goals—what a better way of connecting with big tech companies, leaders, and colleagues than sharing experiences in the same (virtual) room!


We can’t wait to have you with us at the #WICxAnnualSummit 2022.

You can participate as an attendee—or you and your company can become a sponsor to get involved and actively participate in the event!